About the project

The “ID GAMES” project is based on the belief that each person should be given the chance to be accepted, valued and have equal opportunities to develop their skills and personality.

“ID GAMES” project focuses on:

  • Developing an innovative methodology of participatory living labs for inclusion where pwID, their carers, their trainers, healthcare professionals, game-designers/developers, university students from related disciplines, people from local communities, volunteers, form mixed teams and design ideas-prototypes of serious games addressing the needs of pwID

  • Developing 6 serious games (digital, physical, phydital) that adapt to the ages, interests and needs of pwID

  • Creating an E-Course for strengthening the competences of trainers of pwID, relevant professionals, caregivers and organizations addressing pwID on how to organize and implement participatory game-creation workshops and how to use the serious games

  • Developing an E-Platform with all the material of the project for sharing its results to a larger audience within Europe and worldwide and promoting inclusion and skills development of pwID and their carers and trainers.

“ID GAMES” aims to:

  • Promote social inclusion of pwID by invlolving them in participatory game design workshop

  • Design serious games that empower various types of skills of pwID

  • Advance the skills of trainers, educators, caregivers, healthcare and other relevant professionals addressing pwID

  • Empower the organizations working with pwID or advocate the rights of pwID

4 TPMs


6 Serious games

1 e-course

1 Methodological guide

3 Co-creation workshops

4 Multiplier events

About the project

The “ID GAMES” project is based on the belief that each person should be given the chance to be accepted, valued and have equal opportunities to develop their skills and personality.

“ID GAMES” project focuses on:

  • Developing an innovative methodology of participatory living labs for inclusion where pwID, their carers, their trainers, healthcare professionals, game-designers/developers, university students from related disciplines, people from local communities, volunteers, form mixed teams and design ideas-prototypes of serious games addressing the needs of pwID

  • Developing 6 serious games (digital, physical, phydital) that adapt to the ages, interests and needs of pwID

  • Creating an E-Course for strengthening the competences of trainers of pwID, relevant professionals, caregivers and organizations addressing pwID on how to organize and implement participatory game-creation workshops and how to use the serious games

  • Developing an E-Platform with all the material of the project for sharing its results to a larger audience within Europe and worldwide and promoting inclusion and skills development of pwID and their carers and trainers.

“ID GAMES” aims to:

  • Promote social inclusion of pwID by invlolving them in participatory game design workshop

  • Design serious games that empower various types of skills of pwID

  • Advance the skills of trainers, educators, caregivers, healthcare and other relevant professionals addressing pwID

  • Empower the organizations working with pwID or advocate the rights of pwID

4 TPMs


6 Serious games

1 e-course

1 Methodological guide

3 Co-creation workshops

4 Multiplier events