Guia Metodológico
Ghidul metodologic se adresează profesioniștilor și organizațiilor care lucrează cu persoane cu dizabilități intelectuale.
Acesta le prezintă metodologia inovatoare a atelierelor de joc de co-creație care permite includerea persoanelor cu dizabilități intelectuale în comunitate prin participare activă.
What is intellectual Disability?
Which are the best practices for Inclusion of people with Intellectual Disability?
Which are the aims of ID-GAMES workshops?
How to organize an ID-GAME
How to engage people in the workshop?
- Which are the results on inclusion of people with intellectual disability?
- How to enhance people creativity and active participation?
- How to enhance inclusion of people with intellectual disability through games?
Guia Metodológico
The Methodological guide is targeted to professionals and organizations working with people with Intellectual Disability.
It presents them the innovative methodology of co-creation game workshops which enables the inclusion of people with intellectual disability in community through active participation.
Methodological guide
Μεθοδολογικός Οδηγός
What is intellectual Disability?
Which are the best practices for Inclusion of people with Intellectual Disability?
Which are the aims of ID-GAMES workshops?
How to organize an ID-GAME
How to engage people in the workshop?
- Which are the results on inclusion of people with intellectual disability?
- How to enhance people creativity and active participation?
- How to enhance inclusion of people with intellectual disability through games?