The “Alliance for Children” Association has a humanitarian, apolitical and non-profit character and was founded in 1994 by the teachers of the Special School in Arad. The Association currently consists of teachers, doctors, social workers, psychologists, social mediators, students involved in the education and support of students with SEN in Arad County.

Its main purpose is to improve educational status of children and youth with intelectual disabilities by collecting financial and material funds to improve the conditions of training and education of pupils, as well as the development of specific competences through the continuous training of teachers, updating curricula, creating competences in socio-psycho-pedagogical assistance of pupils/youth with SEN and their families.

Our objectives are:

• Identifying, raising awareness and finding solutions to problems of students/youth intelectual disabilities;

• Developing programs and activities which address youth concerns, involving them directly into actively solving youth issues,

• Organizing social, cultural, sports and other types of events;

• Organizing workshops to train different skills and abilities for the students/youth with intelectual disabilities;

• developing projects and activities in order to train, educate and inform about specific topics;

• promoting measures for social reintegration of youngsters with intelectual disabilities;
